I’d love to! However, we’re getting the raws online from diff sites so sadly, the only way to TL the extras are if we bought the raws themselves since the sites don’t seem to add them Reply
I was looking for the raws online and found them here. https://dl-raw.net/%e3%82%b2%e3%83%bc%e3%83%9e%e3%83%bc%e3%82%ba-%e7%ac%ac01-05%e5%b7%bb-gamers-vol-01-05/ it has all volume raws till vol 7. looking forward to the extras. Thank you Reply
Thanks! Checked it out and unfortunately there aren’t any working links on the site for it. If you happen to find more let us know! Reply
Thank you for this chapter. Can you please translate the volume extras as well?
I’d love to! However, we’re getting the raws online from diff sites so sadly, the only way to TL the extras are if we bought the raws themselves since the sites don’t seem to add them
I was looking for the raws online and found them here.
it has all volume raws till vol 7. looking forward to the extras.
Thank you
Thanks! Checked it out and unfortunately there aren’t any working links on the site for it. If you happen to find more let us know!
Try this link. I have added all v01-07 raws
Well dang thanks! Expect to see some extras soon!
Thank you for the chapter!